Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away

It rained cats and dogs over the weekend. Nashville is under water which really surprises me. I thought that we were on high enough ground and didn't have to worry about flooding. The Opryland Hotel is flooded and word on the street is that it will take until December to get it up and running again. Terrible times for Gaylord. Not only are they dealing with trying to figure out how to weather Obama Care but now it has yet another challenge to overcome in this vulnerable economic environment.

Our house in Gallatin faired well but the rain was relentless. Luckily, the dams held up and we were fine. However, Steve and I have decided to apply for flood insurance (since we dont have any as of yet).

Below is a picture of James with Jonathan (Steve's friend from childhood). James is wearing his new swaddle-me that his Nana bought for him. I think he really likes it. It swaddles him up good and tight and he sleeps sound for about 2-3 hours...which is GREAT!
I took the pictures below this morning at about 5a. James is falling into a routine a bit. He has been sleeping for 2-3 hours at a time at night for the past 2 or 3 nights. It has done wonders to my mood. Anyway, he was playing in his bed and was in a great mood because he had a full belly. It was too cute so I had to snap a pic. Don't you love his onesie!

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